Edible Gardens · plants

MGM – Monday Garden Minute- Please Water Your Plants

This idea came to me in a dream – Monday feature- a one-minute segment about what is cooking in the garden 🙂 🌱


Please water your plants, especially during hot Summer months.


This is the Vinca hanging flower basket under my window. Frozen decorative bushes had to be removed and I put this colorful refreshing basket just to brighten the space for now.

I water all my plants and flowers every morning, truly, say before midday.

Now the next picture is what I found later on the next day at 6pm. Didn’t have a chance to water right in the morning and went with my water pitcher in the evening, instead. Can’t believe that they started wilting so soon.

I guess these flowers are the reminding messengers of Summer water requirements. Guys,  please water your plants regularly. They are living, breathing, vegetative, intelligent beings that bring joy and wisdom into our lives. Summer is beautiful but hot.

If you drink water, then so do your Plants 🙂


Poor babies, but, to my delight, they spruced up in a couple of hours. Here is the evening picture.


I made sure to water it every morning from now on.

Sometimes, plants need to be watered twice a day. It can be determined just by looking at the leaves.

MGM – did it take less than 60 seconds to view the post?

I hope so 🙂 Have a very green and hydrated Monday, everyone.


All photographs belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com except for the nature in the water image.

©PlantsandBeyond.com 🌱


35 thoughts on “MGM – Monday Garden Minute- Please Water Your Plants

      1. I used to watch my mom water her plants when I was younger and she would always do it after the sun went down and I just followed in her footsteps. 🙂 I know when it rains to much the poor flowers are drenched in water. 😦

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Good advice, Luda.
    Dehydration and over-hydration is bad for us and for plants too.
    One should know the amount of water needed for particular types. Like hydrangea and orchids cannot have same watering rule.

    Liked by 1 person

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