Edible Gardens · gardening · plants

Common House Pests

~ When it comes to dealing with common home pests, the most straightforward and most likely quick solution is to simply speak to a pest control expert. If you see creepy crawlers, hear buzzing in the walls, or even get an itch or bites on your skin, professionals take care of matters fast, but it… Continue reading Common House Pests

Edible Gardens · plants

Dealing With Insects Inside The Home

~Insects. We all know how useful they are in the garden, and how unnecessary they are inside your own house.  There is a beautiful eco-system that we are taking part in when we become one with nature. Although, when it comes down to our abode, we prefer to feel safe and secure, without any critters. When… Continue reading Dealing With Insects Inside The Home

Edible Gardens · plants

These Common Pests Will Ruin Your Garden

Maintaining a productive garden is challenging, especially when pests come around. They affect your harvest, hard work and efforts. If you don't catch them in time, the damage could be too disappointing.  Here are a few of the most common ones to be wary of in your backyard: Slugs/Snails Slugs and snails are both unwanted pests… Continue reading These Common Pests Will Ruin Your Garden