Edible Gardens · Forest & Nature Bathing · plants

Moss Definitely! The Unexpected Benefits Of Moss Gardening

~ While we all want to ensure a beautiful garden, or simply bring the therapeutic benefits of plant life into our lives via houseplants or window boxes, many of us are unaware that our green thumbs may need a bit of help.


In the pursuit of raising healthy and beautiful plant life, many of us are unaware of the negative consequences of the products we use in the wider environment. The widespread use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides has helped farmers across the world to increase their yields and helped some beautiful verdant gardens to grow, but at a significant cost to the environment. While all gardeners can do their bit to help the planet by using more eco-friendly gardening products, here, we’re going to look at a particular kind of gardening that is not only eco-friendly but staggeringly beautiful and easy to maintain.


We are going to look at moss gardening!


With Earth Day not far behind us, perhaps we should all look at just what can be achieved by cultivating this frankly underrated substance. We’ve become conditioned to treat moss as an unwelcome guest at the party, a cantankerous weed (deliberate miscategorization) that gets in the way of more orthodox choices and ruins the integrity of our lawns. But there are many reasons why a moss garden is worthy of consideration…

It’s cheap and low maintenance!


Moss is inexpensive and easy to come by. It requires no special fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides to cultivate. No need to supplement your soil with extra nitrogen to encourage its growth. No reason to trim it, mow it or shape it. You will not need to worry about it growing out of control while you go on vacation. While a moss garden is aesthetically pleasing, cheap and convenient for you, it’s the environmental benefits that make it a worthy addition to any garden.

It’s an antibiotic for your garden


Not only does moss require no harmful chemical fertilizers, but it can also actually improve the overall health of your garden. For one thing, its presence encourages populations of beneficial insects, lizards, and frogs (personally, I just love them), and its unpleasant taste deters common garden pests like deer. The biochemical compounds found in mosses even act as an antibiotic to deter fungal infections. So not only are moss gardeners helping to combat groundwater contamination by not using chemical products, they are actually repelling impurities.

It can help reduce air pollution


Since moss does not need to be mowed there is no need to use gas driven lawn mowers which contaminate the air with noxious fumes. Remember that the emissions output of lawn mowers is barely regulated and that unlike the average automobile they do not have a catalytic converter.

Lastly, moss helps to conserve water


While mosses certainly need to be hydrated to survive, they do not require the weekly deluge of water from a garden hose or sprinkler that grasses require staying healthy. A misting irrigation system is perfect for mosses and uses only a fraction of the water. Thus, moss gardening will help cut down your utility bills.

Hope you found this information interesting and intriguing.

Have a very green mossy (really healthy) day, my friends!


Photographs listed here do not belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com


19 thoughts on “Moss Definitely! The Unexpected Benefits Of Moss Gardening

  1. Your post on the benefits of a moss garden was an eye-opener for me, Luda. People have been trying to get rid of moss in their yards. There are even chemicals you can buy to get rid of moss. After reading your interesting post, I have come to the conclusion that they are wrong in their zeal to maintain a pure lawn.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous post! What’s not to love about moss? Since a good part of my yard is in shade, I’m fortunate to have a lot of different types of moss growing where there used to be grass, covering large rocks, and slowly creeping into moist crevices in my gardens. To me, it’s as beautiful as any flower that I grow!


  3. Oh my goodness, I feel like I went on a miniature spiritual vacation looking at the images in the post – amazing and tranquil. So interesting about moss gardening! Years ago I went to the HOH rain forest on the Olympic Peninsula and it was an unbelievably beautiful and tranquil place with a forest of moss!

    Liked by 1 person

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