
Pooch Love

~Be the person your dog thinks you are.  C.J. Flick


Wonder what is Zoe, my love, thinks about us?  Perhaps that we are untrainable, silly giants, that need constant repetition of comments many times per day, LOL. Even with all the efforts, we don’t’ learn much.


If anything, our little fur baby can snap us out of any mood we are in. This cutie is a blessing to have and she keeps us on a tight leash 🙂

Hope you guys experience daily gifts of owning a dog, a loyal friend, who loves you more than you love yourself.

Hey friends, just had an idea. If you wish to feature your doggie story with me, I will be happy to share it with my pooches and all of my blogging friends 🙂 Woof!

Have a happy Friday, filled with loving kisses and tail wagging. 🐶🐾🐶


All photographs belong to Luda

© 🌱


28 thoughts on “Pooch Love

  1. Beautiful pictures and video Luda, our pets certainly bring us joy and show us so much more with their unconditional love. And so happy that after more than a week away from WP yours was the first in the reader when I logged back in..
    Have a wonderful weekend.. Much love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I am very well, and life is incredibly busy, so busy that blog has had to take a back seat. How are you and how is life? I hope you are still thriving in your beautiful garden?

        Liked by 2 people

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