
Too Funny 😂

This fun message seems more and more relatable with age. Fun Friday find that I just had to share 🙂


Until next time and have a Fun Friday, full of laughter.


Photographs listed here do not belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com


50 thoughts on “Too Funny 😂

      1. BWAHAHA!!! Now you are hurting my ribs Luda! STOP IT! 😂 No, actually don’t… maybe… I think…. or not think. YEAH! That last one — I don’t think!

        WAIT. I don’t think I thunk that last thought! 🤔🙄 Ah-HAH! It’s those peopleys talking in my head! LUDA!!! HELP!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ummm, define “funnier.” My psych-therapist has some other labels for that behavior. 😬

        I should give you my Patient ID # so you can come get me discharged! When you arrive Luda, just ignore all the people slowly walking around in white robes, okay? 😎

        Liked by 1 person

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