Edible Gardens · plants

Tree Frog Beauty

~My favorite amphibian in the world.  How could one not like these beauties? Just look at the color and complexion! Sweet baby, you are safe with me.🐸


Staring at my amphibian book or rare species for hours as a child, I use to wonder where such cuties reside? If only future self would share that as an adult face to face meeting is completely possible:)

Description: As their name suggests, tree frogs are well adapted to life in an arboreal environment. Their toes have adhesive disks that allow them to climb easily on bark or twigs. The green treefrog is usually bright green, but its color may vary to yellow, dull green, or slate grey when it is hidden or inactive. A yellow or white stripe that varies in length, may extend farther along the body on one side than on the other or may be lacking entirely. Many individual green treefrogs have golden colored spots on their backs. Because they often appear or are heard during rainstorms, folklore and legends regard these frogs to be “weather prophets”.

Habitat: Their habitats include wet prairies, cypress swamps, and hydric hammocks as well as borders of lakes and streams, areas with floating vegetation or moist conditions, and occasionally in brackish waters. Green treefrogs are also often found on window sills of houses or buildings at night, where they seek insects attracted by lights.


Here is another frog species right on my broccoli leaf. What self-constraint with not mingling or chewing in the presence of food 😉


And this one-Awww-she is hugging the broccoli stem to rest on. What a cutie.


I do love that childhood wishes come true.👧🏻


Simply appreciating our natural, peace-loving neighbors and thanking them for sharing their living space with us, humans, make this day much more colorful.

Until next time, my dear friends.


All photographs belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com

45 thoughts on “Tree Frog Beauty

  1. I love frogs! when we were young, my siblings and I would run out in the rain to catch them. Our parents would let us keep them for a few days then we would release them into the garden! I’m so glad that you have frogs! 😄

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I think the danger is more to them, than to you, as the acids on our hands are caustic to their skin. Wetting hands first or wearing gloves helps, but unless they are in danger from us or pets, it is probably best to let them be and just observe. Being handled by giants can be quite stressful! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Love frogs. We used to have a pair of Australian Whites Tree Frogs. They did not do much except in thunderstorms when they got a bit excited…😉 The sound of the vacuum cleaner turned them on too. Takes all sorts.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Thank you for those lovely frog pictures! I wonder if you like toads as much as frogs. Of course they appear bigger and clumsier, but have their own peculiar charm. I noticed that WordPress does send me any notification of new posts from you. I will have to inquire, because I would like to see what is going on in your great blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww- thank you , Peter ! Nice to hear from you and you made me ponder if toads are as cute in my mind 😉 – well – they are poisonous here – so I try to avoid them … sometimes , when I see toads jumping , I think ” somebody’s prince is hopping along ;))) would love to hear more from you . Pls check the notification settings 😉

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