
Liebster Award

liebsterawardsJust when I was congratulating a fellow blogger, Vero & little Canito on her award, I saw my name nominated in her post. Ha! I didn’t expect it and was so pleasantly surprised and very honored. Told my family and then I told my family, again. They said they heard it already and my response was: well, I want to tell you many more times :)))))))))) Thank you Vero & little Canito for nominating me and making my day much happier. Check out the scrumptious recipes on her blog. If you thought you were not hungry before you got to Vera’s blog, you are sadly mistaken. You will be salivating while she is cooking up a storm. Also, her travels are so precious, Vero’s photographs brought me back to my roots…

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My favorite blog?! 

Really don’t have one particular. So sorry to disappoint everyone. All the personalities are phenomenal, vibrant, intriguing and I became your blog geek. Can’t stop learning about you, guys, and super happy to have new found warmhearted support in this community. Where have you been all my life?


Here are the rules for this award:

  1. Put the award logo on your blog. √
  2. Thank the person who nominated you and provides a link to their blog. √
  3. Write a 150 – 300-word post on your favorite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog, provide links. √
  4. Answer your questions and provide 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 5 – 11 people that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 200 followers.
  6. Ask your nominees questions.
  7. List the rules.

libster award

And my answers… : 

  1. What is your favorite movie you lately saw? My daughter hooked me on series of Friends. Never had any desire to watch it, but during Summer we binged through tears of laughter on all 10 seasons of this show. Happy to report it was A+ hilarious, to my utmost surprise.
  2. Do you have any life motto you follow? Yes, Passing it Forward. Anything good that happened must be passed on to others in any positive way to make a difference.
  3. What would be your dream job if you can pick? So many desires since I was little, but never could pinpoint just one-First, I would be a Writer, Second, Journalist, Third, Doctor, Forth, organic Farmer. This order constantly changes, according to seasons and events of the year ;)))

10 Facts about me:

  1. I can’t live without music and have to listen to different genres throughout the day.
  2. My new commitment to gardening and school volunteering paid off multifold and truly feels nice to help and give back to the local community.
  3. I am the Flip Flop junkie since I moved to Florida. Have multiple pairs and live in them in and out of the house.
  4. I love cooking healthy meals for the family.
  5. Beach is my heaven and a place to get one with nature and universe.
  6. My dogs are my house angels. All different personalities, but full of Love.
  7. I audio read many books on the go or while performing tasks.
  8. I love traveling and discovering new regions.
  9. Stargazing is mesmerizing and mysterious. Always wonder what is out there in store for us.
  10. Still trying to figure out what variety of tomatoes grow well in Florida-Oy-so many nocturnal attacking competitors trying devourer my garden in the backyard -“Ay caramba!”

And my nominees:

Professor Taboo at https://professortaboo.com/

Christy B at https://whenwomeninspire.com/

Novus Lectio at https://novuslectio.wordpress.com/

Infinite Living, Pragalbha at https://pragalbhadoshi.wordpress.com/

Ben Aqiba at http://benaqiba.com/

Savvy Raj at https://savvyraj.com/

Andrea Stephenson at https://harvestinghecate.wordpress.com/

My questions are the same as Vero’s:
  1. What is your favorite movie you lately saw?
  2. Do you have any life motto you follow?
  3. What would be your dream job if you can pick?

Thank you again, Vero!

Until next time,




31 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Congratulations Luda another feather to your cap !!! Wonderful to learn about you a bit more this time.😊 And quite like you its a pleasant surprise to find my name listed here .Thank you dear for your kind mention. An interesting award indeed!

    Liked by 3 people

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