Edible Gardens · plants

🌾Balcony Bliss🌱

🌳What a gratifying feeling to make a positive difference in people’s lives. 


🌿Helping others improving their lives makes my existence worthwhile, especially if it involves plants, healing, and tranquility.

Measuring new residents out 🙂
🌸 A recent Balcony project was a labor of love. A wonderful gentleman wanted to improve his patio natural ambiance, get professional plant advice about succulents and variety of  Zone 9 plants.


🎋The client indicated that he does appreciate nature, spends time outside on his balcony and prefers straight lines, meaning leaves should be growing straight with no curls or flare, especially on trees.



Original planter with succulents


🌷Plants in waiting

Carried in new baby plant selection
Personal plant transportation


Safety is #1
⛩ He also indicated that he would like to have plants that are somewhat unusual.📿

Tree selection in local Nursery
🐉 That resulted in Dracaena tree choice, instead of Palm Bamboo (my original thought). It comes from Madagascar and is named after a dragon’s fire and tail. 🐲 I absolutely,  love the multicolored leaves. They are straight and the red edge adds subtle color to the whole ongoing scheme. The dilemma of finding a 6-foot tree made me run through 7 nurseries and that took days. The only one already carried the tall tree, the rest had little 1 foot babies that were different varieties of Dracaena species and their leaves were mainly red with a bit of green. That would not work.

Dracaena tree in its new home
Also, I had to restrain myself with flowers selection due to different shapes of leaves, season changes, and local availability. After Hurricane Irma, lots of local nurseries were damaged and their inventory supply was quite low.

Decorated with moss around the edges

Constant moisture application with help of Plant Nanny

This Plant Nanny was purchased for this project from Maryland.
🌵Some walls could have benefited from planter shelves, but the house owner asked to keep the visual effect to the minimum. Client’s choice is super important and that resulted into the dilemma of saving established succulents. These beautiful plants were planted by a previous owner, who overcrowded the conditions of this terracotta pot. Moreover, the 6-hour a day Florida sun was scorching the leaves and making the family of succulents wilt. Sad to see, indeed, for I wish to save all of the plants…. still can’t shake that notion off.  The Man of the house wanted to remove the struggling succulents and put some other plants instead. That is where my expertise came in handy…

Lonely table before

New Green Arrangement
🌵The original agreement was to give away the succulents, but knowing how much he appreciates the simplicity of these plants, I decided creatively add them to the decorative ensemble. Also, instead of two trees, the succulent spontaneous arrangement gave me a gut feeling to just install one tree. This way it will minimize the psychedelic effect of too much crowding all over this space.



Saved plant
Honestly, I was so very nervous. Truly desired to utmost help and beautify this lovely space, but the owner wasn’t there to consult on some plant choices due to being out of the country. Making decisions without the client is risky and being in charge of the empty house is stressful. Certainly, don’t want to cause any issues for anyone.


🌼Fortunately, it all worked and the expected phone call and text confirmed that he loves everything. I came soon after to show how to take care of the plants and describe what they are. What more can I ask for, when I saw how well the new plants were thriving and how the client was so pleased.

New baby plants that will fill in space and cascade over once they mature

View from inside
Oh my Goodness, I couldn’t be happier.

Vibrant colors that will spill out with maturity

Lantana flowers that are medicinal, fragrant and will spill out with time
✨What more can I ask for? Combining plants, flowers, creative energy, air, sunrays, natural beauty, establishing a healing and grounding space for another human being warms my heart as nothing else. Perhaps, I am living my life’s purpose.💫


🌿Added Mother in law tongue plant (straight lines) to the adjacent inside corner.

Empty corner before

New natural woven basket with Mother in Law Tongue Plant

Extra Supplies

Realizing I need a new camera to make photographs sharper 🙂
🖼 Off to continue my life mission ;)🖼


🔐All photographs belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com




76 thoughts on “🌾Balcony Bliss🌱

  1. You turned a nice simple patio into a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, textured, colorful and inviting patio Luda. Love all the mixtures and you kept the space clean and open still too! Very well done! I know this customer will have lots of praise for you for future clients/customers! I think you have found your gift Madame! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Oh not at all! I’m simply telling the truth! You have a seriously good eye and creativity for bringing home Nature to us! We were meant to be close to her (our bio-eco systems) because they literally sustain us and bring us happiness, along with a plethora of medicinal purpose, right!? 🤗

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Dearest Sue, thank you so much for visiting and for your sweet comments. Really appreciate your friendship. It was nerve-racking due to his absence and decision making, but I am truly happy now. Thank you for everything, Sue!

      Liked by 1 person

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