Forest & Nature Bathing · plants

Earthing With Dogs

~ Clearly pets are innately aware of Earthing and Grounding benefits. By observing their behavior, we can learn to adapt and incorporate some of the naturally available healing techniques.


Typical Floridian evening. Doggies trained me to enjoy the walk outside.


Afterward, I took my ancient, puppy chewed up flip flops off to Earth and Ground myself.


Zoe made herself comfortable right on top of my feet, even when I tried to move them away. I wonder if she was Grounding herself through my own electromagnetic earthing recharge. Out of all the backyard grass area, she chose to park her bum right on me. Since our feet are our personal antennas that conduct the flow of energy between us and Mother Earth, the particular spot has been carefully selected by the intuitive canine.  Hmmm. Contemplating this occurrence.


Take 5 minutes and get outside. Be kind to yourself. Dive into Nature to Earth yourselves.

Happy Grounding and Earthing to carry you through the week, my dear friends.


The images here all belong to Luda





30 thoughts on “Earthing With Dogs

    1. Oh, my dear Margaret. I just found this amazing comment of yours in a spam folder, ugh. So sorry for responding late. I love what you offered. Maybe so?! I love both points: she is keeping my feet warm or better pressed into the earth. Loved hearing from you and have a wonderful mid of the week.

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  1. I do think a lot about the reason behind the earthing, I think it happens only when we are standing, perhaps this is the only way they can come closer to us while standing. 🙂

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