Forest & Nature Bathing

Resilience Lesson from Heron

~Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight. Japanese Proverb.

Do you see anything wrong with this bird?


Her little paw was missing.


It did not deter her from being on her life’s path or mission.


She stood firmly in front of me, not moving, holding her ground.

I am very impressed with her resilience and the teachings. No matter what happens, stand firmly and don’t sulk, you still moving forward with your journey. Whatever destiny is ahead, you are facing it with pride and strength.

Thank you white Heron. Your teachings will not be forgotten.

Make it a wonderful day, full of gratitude and inspiration.


The image listed here belong to Luda

© 🌱

43 thoughts on “Resilience Lesson from Heron

  1. Beautiful Luda and such a coincidence. Recently been talking to a friend about my late father’s mis thigh amputation following a post abdominal surgery aneurism aged 60 years. We were talking about how he bravely accepted his situation and wore his prosthesis and tried to get on with daily life.
    It saddens me these days to see some amputees going around in wheelchairs with stumps on display. Somehow I cannot comprehend this state of affairs when with medical advancements this doesn’t need to be the case.
    I am so proud of the heron in this story and even prouder of my father.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Me neither. Our medical doctors are there to improve pt’s lives, (they trully care) and make the clients functional again, so they can rip the best rewards of life. Thank you for sharing your story with us too, dear Margaret.

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  2. Beautiful story Luda, if she did not stand strong the Heron would not survive. Birds are wonderful at teaching us life lessons.

    This is the meaning of encountering a Heron. Incredible hey, synchronises with the Heron you saw.

    Determination, balance, follow your own path, aids in seeing boundaries and security in exploring the mind and emotions. Heron teaches about self-esteem and balancing life’s daily tasks. She helps look deeper into aspects of life which brings out innate wisdom and shows how to become self-reliant.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wow, how inspiring! 🙏❤️

    “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
    ― Calvin Coolidge

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