Edible Gardens · plants · Recipe

Nature does not hurry, yet everyting is accomplished 🌱🌟🌱

~Lao Tzu

In Lieu of upcoming Father’s day~

Sun Flower Bees Garden Blossom Summer Bloom

“Just look at this Earthly creation”. My father’s words are ringing in my head: “Who designed this beauty? Who is the creator? How did it appear on this planet all on its own?”

Flora Sunflower Yellow Napimádó Summer

Did you know that this Sunflower is the Ukrainian national flower? We ate it as kids and still do eat its seeds as the crunchy snack? Do not wish to share it with birds or squirrels. It’s my, human snack!

Inflorescence Flower Basket Sun Flower Tongue Flower

I love it raw most of all. The yellow leaves can be eaten or brewed in tea. I love everything about this nature’s gift: the sun looking pedals, brightness it adds to the household and its nutty taste.

Sun Flower Close Sunflower Seeds Seeds

Funny memory comes up when Ukrainian middle school boys would run up to farmer market Babushkas, dig their little thief hands in the burlap full of roasted seeds, grab a full fist of black seeds and run for their lives. Phew. Glad I didn’t dare to do so. Paying 20 cents for a paper cup of freshly roasted sunflower seeds was satisfying enough.

Harvest Wooden Board Seeds Sunflower Autumn Fruit

My dad used to bring surprises home to me of fresh Sunflower heads. Stick them under the pillow and say that some magician sent that to me as a gift. I love my Papa and his little surprising edible flower gifts for me.

He taught me how to add sugar to the raw seeds and eat it as a desert. Oh, so yummy.

Perhaps the biggest gift he installed into me is the love of nature and constant sense of wonder.

Thank you, Papochka, for everything.


Now this Sunshine beauty is spreading joy in my own home

Your Lu-dochka.

The Russian speaking friends will get that meaning 🙂

Happy Father’s day to all my dear friends.


The images listed here do not belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com except for the very last one.




50 thoughts on “Nature does not hurry, yet everyting is accomplished 🌱🌟🌱

  1. Soo pretty !! Mine were all eaten by slugs when they were young. I was soooo angry !! I don’t mind if they eat a few lettuce leaves or have a bite here and there but all the leaves and buds of my little sunflower plants !!!??


    1. LOL, I have mentioned that in my first posts some time ago. I was born there and my parents brought me here when I was 15 years old. My second language is Russian and I lost Ukrainian now bc I had to refocus on English to survive. LOL. Thank you so much for your comment, though :)))))))))

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