Edible Gardens · gardening · plants · Recipe

What Does Your Garden Say About You?

~ What does your garden say about you? Believe it or not, if you own a green space, it will always influence your wellbeing, inner thoughts, connection with the earth and even your property value. Uneven spacing, messy items around the green area and its location all influence the backyard’s aesthetics and functionality.

Here some interesting factors that will add on to your gardening experience.


Consider The Fencing


A garden suffers from a lack of borders. I lost half of my crops first hand to the curious deer herd, 11 members to be exact, the very first year of gardening. All the lovely, red and juicy tomatoes that I babied daily, were chewed up. Not only the deer had a tasting session, but they also did not like the beefy tomatoes and spit them out all over my garden. I was so livid. What do you think was added next to that patch? Would not ever try to plant crops without a personal garden fence. Moreover, the whole property now is fenced in to deter the animals and intruders for security. Keep in mind, that the fencing borders need to look clean, neat, preferably be sustainable and painted well. One great idea is to coat them in an anti-mold wax to help them look wonderful year long. If you hope for a more customized fence or sturdier property construction consider using carpentry services alongside the quality wood and you will likely come out with nothing but a unique, well identifiable and secure fence for your troubles.



A garden is not only an outdoor space for your hobby, but it will likely function as a form of storage. Installing a shed or a greenhouse for your vegetables and tools can help you lock away valuable items, or prevent raccoons, armadillos, squirrels, possums or other animals from disturbing your crops. With the seasonal change, having greenhouse around the property will provide you with freshly picked edible crops all year long. 



Making the most of the sunlight is the very first thing to evaluate the garden planning. My first homework assignment that I ask all aspiring gardeners to complete before any further steps are to determine how much sunlight the property gets. Additionally, its good to know if the sun comes up in the morning or the afternoon.  This will help you orient your space and the installation of your garden furniture, to be in the shade or purposefully out of it. Orienting your garden in a manner that greets the sun can actually help keep all your plants, herbs and crops healthy and thriving throughout the planting season.


With these small tidbits of advice, you might notice that your garden will feel more serene to visit and potentially will increase the house value. Plus, gardening and spending time outside nourishes your soul and wellbeing. Win-Win for everyone.

Have a very green day, my dear friends.


All photographs do not belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com


40 thoughts on “What Does Your Garden Say About You?

  1. Great advice Luda :):) I have a friend who doesn’t have a veggie garden but she like to plant flowers and such. She was wiped out by the deer too. Her subdivision wouldn’t permit fences. I suggested she research and find out what plants that deer don’t find appealing, and plant them around the border of her beds. She did and it worked. :):)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What Does Your Garden Say About You?

    Currently? It says … The lawnmower is either broken and you are struggling to get parts and don’t want to call a garden service and are also reluctant to ask the neighbor to borrow hers … because, well, what if it too breaks?
    Or … I am going through a rambling countryside phase where instead of sheep droppings, unseen dog poo lurks for the unwary among the tall, gracefully swaying fronds of Kikuyu grass.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We really are struggling to find parts. It is an ancient Yamaha and I suspect we might have to get in touch with one of the relatives of Isambard Kingdom Brunel to get the darn thing fixed.

        In truth, the rest of the garden looks all right. Not as posh as your photos, but pretty good.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. :))) These are professional photos, its hard to get such perfection, unless you are dedicated to the outside 100 percent. It sure is nice to look at other people’s achievement though. Hope you find your parts soon. It has to be done one way or another 🙂


      3. I know where my parts are … I’m not THAT old.
        I suspect we may be looking at a new lawn mower unless some local engineering firm can perform a miracle – our next avenue.
        I hate t let the old girl go … but I suspect her time has come. *Sniff*


  3. Thankfully Luda I do not have a wandering deer herd to eat my plants.. Which must be frustrating to say the least.. Oh but to see deer walk by though . 🙂
    Lovely insights here Luda into what makes a good garden and wonderful ideas and tips here my friend.. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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