gardening · Paws&Tails · plants

Don’t shoo away this Tortoise visitor!🌾🐾🐢


⏳By moving through your life more slowly and attentively, you’ll discover a great deal of wisdom emerging from unexpected sources that you’d otherwise miss by being in a hurry.⌛️

Not so afraid of my puppy Zoe, this marvelous morning guest was crossing the backyard, chewing on leaves. So very cute, indeed.🍀

I had to look up the deeper meaning of tortoise presence in our lives.

In mythical guide of spirit animals, Tortoise reminds us to slow down and pace ourselves. Do not take on way too many problems and troubles of others. Perhaps take a detour. Be patient and determined. Stick with the plan. Before you know it, you will achieve what you are after.

Today’s mantra to share: Take time to nurture yourself and simply observe and feel your emotions. 

Get out on the land and walk around a bit at about half your usual pace. It is a good time to change to a vegetarian diet, even if only for a few days.

Thank you, little dinosaur for visiting and reminding all of us of this simple daily truth.🌟☯️🌟


Until next time.


All photographs belong to Luda

34 thoughts on “Don’t shoo away this Tortoise visitor!🌾🐾🐢

      1. Ohhh haven’t thought of that 😏
        You may be right, but….. i think that no baby turtle see her mother till its death 😞
        I would say he was looking for a wife 😁

        Liked by 1 person

  1. What a cute creature! I have always loved tortoises, the fact that they carry their home wherever they go and their slow steady approach to life!!! Thank you for this lovely reminder! x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Certain mornings after liberal amounts of “Cheers!” (drink shot of tequila or vodka), “Cheers!” (drink shot of tequila or vodka), repeat repeatings… till it sounds like Deers or Steers or… “,i>Hey, Where’d everybody go?,/i>” the night before. Then I look like an upside down tortoise TRYING to get out of bed. Can someone just tilt the bed on its side?

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