Edible Gardens · plants

Kitchen Herbs in House Planters


IMG_0680So excited and had to share my little Herbs Planter box before and after photographs. The container was quite empty prior to my planting and now oozing with color and delicious odor. The fresh smell is unbelievable and makes me want to sit down in that chair to enjoy the nature. I added color to my planter to break up monochromatic green. Purple Red Potato Vine, Crossandra orange flowers, and Foxtail ferns are not edible but create the height dimensions. However, Basil, Lavender, Mint, and Dill are my favorite Kitchen Herbs and will be readily available for us right outside of the house.


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What I found is that dirt spills out of the planter and good sweeping is in order right after the labor of love 🙂


Definitely, applied the gererous amount of water to the container planted herbs to make them adjust to the new environment.


It is so very true that Gardening is a Healing art. As morning download of exercise, energy, sense of accomplishment and creativity I can move on with my day in joy.


Inspired and until next time,


All photographs belong to Luda @PlantsandBeyond.com

23 thoughts on “Kitchen Herbs in House Planters

      1. Wishing you well in trying to protect everything.. We here in the UK have just had a massive down-pour of torrential rain.. It comes out of the blue lasts ten minutes then goes to come back again.. The weather is very unpredictable all over the place.. Take care of yourself..

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